Wednesday, 30 September 2009

A productive day today (thank goodness!) I have covered 2 diarys, 2 address books and 6 notebooks. Sorry for the lack of photos, I don't have the energy! I think my plan for tomorrow is to head over to my local starbucks and sit and write, write, write all of the outstanding instructions for kits so that I can e-mail them over to Michelle to 'pretty up' not that she's been nagging me or anything :) Then it is about time I went to visit my Gran before heading home and finishing a quilt for the show.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Back in the UK

I got back home on Friday, mainly because my car tax, MOT, insurance etc is all due at the end of September so I have been busy getting that all sorted. Today I got settled into getting some work done for the show - I have been making passport covers with a POD style union jack - quite fun, hopefully people will like them! I will take some photos tomorrow.
It is good to be back with my things, I had a joyful reunion with my Bernina but I was sad to leave my family behind, one member in particular.....

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

I thought I would share a little experiment with you. I spent a few hours yesterday afternoon figuring this out and making it then once I had finished I realised.....I don't know what it is supposed to be! I just got caught up in the 'how would i do that?' of it all. Oh well.

More succesfully though, I made a cover for my diary. I am going to look out for some 2010 diarys to cover and sell at the show.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Here we go, sorry for the dark picture, it is very dreary here today and has now started to rain. Hopefully you can make out the creatures embroidered on it though, my favourite has to be the rabbit carrying an umbrella, very apt for today's weather! I have washed it gently with some Woolite since taking the pic and it is now hanging to dry. My first attempt at removing the little rust spots will need to wait for another day as I am going to sprinkle them with salt then lemon juice and leave it in the sun to dry. I want to avoid needing to use a commercial rust stain remover if possible.

I must get started on some work now...I am going to finish my bunting then get started on a baby quilt for another show kit.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

I have been busy over the last week, making products and creating project kits to sell at the Knitting and Stitching show and Michelle has been busy working on the website and setting up listings on Etsy and Dawanda. Today we took a day off to visit a few Brocantes (we are both in France this month, working between her house and my parent's), it was a really fun day and I managed to finally buy Michelle's housewarming and birthday presents - a cute, small bird bath to go out by her pool and a wrought iron outdoor thermometer.
I am most excited though that I found a gorgeous length of embroidered mantle edging, I will post pics tomorrow I promise...I left my camera behind in England so I will have to wait to borrow one. I am going to need to wash it and try and get out a few small rust marks, I am guessing it was pinned up.
I also bought a tiny wire basket in the shape of a heart and I am thinking that I should collect together all of my heart shaped things together on one shelf when I get back, maybe in the kitchen.
Oh, and I bought some ribbon because yesterday I was making bunting then realised Mum had no plain ribbon for it....I keep getting thrown by not being surrounded by my mountains of craft supplies! The lady in the fabric shop laughed because I stopped by and then only spent 1 euro 10 cents :)

Monday, 14 September 2009

Well, I thought it was about time I started a blog. I have been tempted many times in the past as I do enjoy reading blogs so much but I have always come across the stumbling block of 'what do I blog about?'. Now it is obvious....I blog about my business!

So, by way of an introduction; I have recently given up my paid employment as a teacher in order to start a business designing fabrics and making products, patterns and kits. My sister (Michelle) is working with me and handles all of the business, marketing, financy type stuff and I get to immerse myself in all the yummy creative side, how lucky am I?

We have been working on this since spring, me building up 6 ranges of designs and Michelle writing an enormously detailed business plan, sourcing printers, base fabric, organising samples and getting well and truly up to speed with with the textile and craft industry.

We launched at the Festival of Quilts in August and had fantastic fun hearing what people had to say about our fabric, so much fun in fact that we decided there and then to book a stand (bigger and better!) for the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace 8-11th October. Whoop! I am so excited, this is my favourite show to visit and now I get to have my own stand!